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"WHY ME?"😢 

In difficult situations, we're often overcome by feelings of resentment, injustice and blame😕. We wonder what we've done to deserve this and question life’s fairness.  

Coming to our rescue is Pujya Gurudevshri's grace in the form of a brilliant exposition on the law of karma.

 Join us in understanding the scientific approach to the theory of karma, and the role of the conscious as well as the subconscious mind in this, 

Get equipped to accept all that life serves with strength, and respond with the attitude, ‘TRY ME!’😅

Fecha y Hora
viernes, 5 de julio de 2024
11:00 13:00
Flat No.112, Mezzanine Floor, Block B, H.O.Bldg, Dharamsey Nensey Complex, Wadi Kabir
Get the direction

SRMD - Muscat

Sanjay Mehta

Descubra lo que la gente ve y dice sobre este evento, y únase a la conversación.