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Join us for an enlightening discourse exploring the profound relationship between the Guru and the disciple, and how it leads to liberation based on the wisdom imparted by Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshji.

Key Topics:

Pull & Push:

Experience the dual force of the Guru's guidance, pulling you towards enlightenment and pushing you beyond limitations.

Kindling Trust

Discover how the Guru prepares you for the divine journey, instilling trust and readiness.

The Mid-Point:

Understand the Guru as the pivotal door to the divine, bridging the worldly and the spiritual.

Ideal vs. Support:

Explore the distinction between an ideal and a support, and how the Guru embodies both.

Spiritual Excellence

Learn about the Guru's wondrous spiritual state and its impact on the disciple's growth.

Balance of Roles:

Appreciate the Guru's lovely balance as both a friend and a guide, offering wisdom and compassion.

Telescope Analogy:

 See the Guru as a telescope, bringing clarity and focus to your spiritual path.

Sun and Moon:

The Guru illuminates your journey like the sun and the moon, providing both gentle and intense guidance.

Embodiment of Dualities:

The Guru as the embodiment of love and knowledge, nurturing holistic spiritual development.

God's Care:

Even if one does not yet love God, the Guru ensures divine care and grace.

System of Prasad

Delve into the Vaishnav system of prasad, highlighting true worthiness and the Enlightened Being.

Power of Surrender:

Understand how a disciple transforms a simple offering into prasad through the power of surrender.

Join us to uncover the mysteries of the Guru-disciple relationship and embark on the path to liberation.

About Us:

Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur (SRMD) is a global spiritual movement for inner transformation through wisdom, meditation, and selfless service. Inspired by the teachings of late 19th century self-realised saint and poet-philosopher Shrimad Rajchandraji, SRMD operates through 206 centers across six continents. Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshji, enlightened master, spiritual visionary and founder of SRMD, blends scripture with experience and intellect with emotion to empower millions worldwide.

Learn More


10.30am to 10.45am   Connecting Bhakti

10.45am to 12pm  ‘Shri Guruna Sathvare Moksh Hathelima – With Shri Guru besides you, liberation is at hand'

12pm to 12.15pm  Meditation

12.15pm to 12.30pm  Group Discussion followed by Arti

Fecha y Hora
domingo, 3 de noviembre de 2024
10:30 12:30
Anish & Twinkle Shah Residence, Flat 601, J2 Tower, Cluster J, JLT, Dubai
Get the direction

SRMD - Dubai - JLT

Chetan Kothari
050 5537673

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