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We're excited to announce our upcoming gathering, where we will have the privilege of delving into the enlightening topic of "Sincere Prayer" with the revered Pujya Gurudevshri.


 This event presents a unique opportunity to explore the wisdom shared by Pujya Gurudevshri as He guides us through the significance of three powerful prayers. His insights are poised to inspire and guide us on a transformative journey of seeking and understanding these profound prayers.

Synopsis: In this insightful discourse, Pujya Gurudevshri will lead us through the essence of three impactful prayers and their transformative potential in our lives. Join us for an evening of reflection and growth as we delve into the meaningful theme of 'Seek these 3 Prayers.'


Satsang : 68 mins

Sharing / Discussion : 20 mins

Meditation : 15 mins

Aarti : 5 mins

Date & Time
Friday, May 3, 2024
10:30 AM 12:30 PM
Flat No.112, Mezzanine Floor, Block B, H.O.Bldg, Dharamsey Nensey Complex, Wadi Kabir
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SRMD - Muscat

Sanjay Mehta

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